Can diabetics consume honey?
Honey has long been known as a herbal remedy because it believed to overcome various diseases. Therefore, the consumption of honey will positively impact the health of the body. In this regard, as a diabetic you might ask whether diabetics may also consume honey? Is the sugar content in honey can actually increase blood sugar levels of diabetics? Consumption of honey in diabetics still being controversym because the sugar content of honey is considered able to increase blood sugar levels of patients. It's true?
Based on the research results Waili turns the honey does not cause an increase in blood sugar levels. However, it should be distinguished that honey studied by Waili in research whose results have also been published in The Journal of Medical Food in 2004 is pure honey.
Pure honey is a type of honey that is pure sugar content comes from the honey itself. That is the sweet taste of honey does not come from a mix of other sweeteners, such as artificial sugars. As with the artificial honey sweetness comes from honey besides itself also comes from artificial sugars. Artificial honey that should be avoided by diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels remained near normal. Honey consumption is recommended to maintain blood sugar level (Also read : 5 Foods for diabetics which can maintain blood sugar stability)
Diabetics should always measure their blood sugar levels. Therefore a strict diet also needs to be undertaken in order to keep their blood sugar levels can always be close to normal. Hence the consumption of honey might rightfully be limited. This is related to the fact that not all honey is the same no usefulness. Moreover, coupled with the honey mixture. Surely obvious usefulness will be reduced for health, especially for diabetics.