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Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes
Defenition, symptoms, diagnosed, and treatment
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Symptoms of Diabetes
Identify and take action quickly Some general sign and symptoms of diabetes are: 1. Blurred vision in the early phase of diabetes ar...
Food Pyramid
Create Your Plate Often, when people are diagnosed with diabetes , they are confused where to start. One way is to change the what the foo...
What Causes and Symptoms of Diabetes Type 1
Until now nobody knows what exactly cause of diabetes type 1 , but certainly the main cause of type 1 diabetes is genetic / descent. The r...
Complications in Type 1 Diabetes
If not properly controlled, type 1 diabetes can cause some serious complications, such as: Nerve damage Nerve damage resulting in ...
Diabetes Type 2 Treatment
Although diabetes can not be cured, early detection allows the blood sugar levels of diabetics can be controlled, in order to keep blood su...
Diabetes Type 2
Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes is the most common, reaching 90% of all cases of diabetes. different from type 1 diabetes , type 2 di...
10 Good Fruits for Diabetics
Diabetics have to be very careful attention to what they eat. There are some foods that should be avoided by diabetics. However, there are a...
Diabetic Diet
Diabetes and Diet Planning for diet is very important for diabetics. Although exercise is also important, but the food consumed is the mo...
Introduction to Diabetes
What Is Diabetes? Disease in which the body is unable to convert glucose (sugar) into energy called diabetes or diabetes mellitus . As...
Diabetes Type 1
Type 1 diabetes is often categorized as a disorder of the immune system / immune, because in type 1 diabetes, the immune system destroy in...
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