Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Diabetics? Avoid This Foods

Diabetes can be controlled by adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle , one is to pay attention to diet or diet everyday to make normal blood sugar at normal levels and prevent complications of diabetes, which can develop when blood glucose levels are not controlled.

For that it is important for diabetics to know what foods to eat and foods to avoid. Foods that contain lots of sugar and fat are best avoided if you suffer from diabetes, and therefore there is quite a lot of foods that you should avoid, or at least strictly limited consumption.

Not only sugar, diabetics must pay attention to the intake of carbohydrates consumed. Similarly, high cholesterol foods, should be avoided. Some studies also revealed some fruits and vegetables are dangerous for diabetics. All it takes you on a long list of categories of foods that should be limited and avoided by diabetics.

Diabetics should avoid this foods

Sugar-rich foods

Foods that contain a lot of sugar is number one enemy for diabetics. Foods with high sugar content such as white sugar (sugar), ice cream, donuts, pastries, chocolate, and foods with artificial sweeteners, can be very dangerous for people suffering from diabetes. These foods can cause an increase in blood sugar levels, so it is not surprising that should be avoided by diabetics. If it can not avoid the kind of air-sugar foods, you can work around this by creating or choosing foods with a minimum sugar content. Consult with your doctor about the type of sweet foods that you can consume as well as some suggestions and tips to control it.

High cholesterol foods

Diabetic condition causes decreased levels of good cholesterol, and otherwise increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. This causes diabetics prone to some diseases caused by high cholesterol, particularly heart disease because of high levels of cholesterol can develop plaque on artery. Therefore, some type of high cholesterol foods such as egg yolk, dairy products high in fat, poultry, red meat, shrimp, cheese, etc, should be avoided or limited.

Fruit Juice

Research shows that drinking a glass of fruit juice on a regular basis every day can increase the risk of diabetes. Especially for people with diabetes, eating fruit directly preferable than presenting it in the form of juice. Consuming fruits directly will give fiber, which is needed by the body. While fruit juices contain high carbohydrates. Diabetics may occasionally still be able to drink fruit juice, but should be limited and should be consulted to the doctor.

Some Fruits and Vegetables

Although in general it can be said fruits are healthy, but not all diabetics. Diabetics should avoid these types of fruits that contain high levels of glucose and sucrose. Fruits like mango and strawberry cause spikes in blood sugar levels in diabetics. Similarly, in some types of vegetables are rich in starch, such as potatoes and squash, should also be limited.

As an alternative, you can replace sugar with fruit rich fruit with a high fiber content such as apples, pears, and raspberries. For vegetables, you can replace it with carrots or beans.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages tend to raise blood sugar levels, and the consumption of high amounts of alcohol can harm for diabetics. Hypoglycemia condition can also occur if consuming alcohol. Excessive consumption of alcohol can impair liver function, which will be increasingly difficult for the body to control blood sugar levels.

Fried Foods

Diabates Patients should limit their consumption of fried foods, especially fried in hydrogenated oils, because its tendency to increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the body, is also unhealthy trans fats. If you want to consume fried foods, you can choose or make fried foods using less hazardous oils, such as olive oil. And it would be better if you prefer this type of food that is healthier and more ideal for diabetics, which is a type of food that is baked and boiled or steamed.

Some types of food should also be limited if you have diabetes, among other sodium-rich foods (such as soy), flour and processed food products (pasta, pizza, etc.). Type of fast-food meals marketed everywhere should be avoided altogether, because it is dangerous for diabetics.

Although some types of food is very difficult to avoid, but diabetics must strictly control plan and a healthy diet. Do not get discouraged by the list of the many types of foods that should be avoided, because the list of foods that can be consumed (and healthier) even longer. All that aims to keep blood sugar condition and general body condition.

The main thing is to follow the advice to eat that have been recommended by your doctor, including other suggestion to run a healthy lifestyle, such as exercise, stress control, and a regular night's sleep.